Mineral Resources Share Price

  1. Mineral Resources Share Price Asx
  2. Mineral Resources Limited Share Price

View today’s MIN share price, options, bonds, hybrids and warrants. View announcements, advanced pricing charts, trading status, fundamentals, dividend information, peer. Price trends tend to persist, so it's worth looking at them when it comes to a share like Triton Minerals. Over the past six months, the relative strength of its shares against the market has been -27.96%. At the current price of A$0.04, shares in Triton Minerals are trading at -20.34% against their 200 day moving.

Shareholders are invited to note the General Meeting to take place remotely on April 28th at 9am. Details are provided under the temporary ‘General Meeting‘ sub-tab under the Investor tab on this Website.

Caerus Mineral Resources is an Exploration and Resource Development Company operating in the Republic of Cyprus. The Company’s ambition is to generate value for all stakeholders through the discovery, development and production of copper – gold Mineral Resources. Caerus maintains a small corporate presence in London with an emphasis on the application of both funds and human resources on-site and in the ground in Cyprus.

We are focused on developing and de-risking copper and gold assets in Cyprus as part of our broader strategy of building a portfolio of European mineral assets in response to the transition to Clean Transport and Stationary Energy Storage Technologies.

Our portfolio is centred on our brownfield exploration licences hosting 14 former producing copper mines that provide the optionality needed to give the Company the best possible chance to define and develop copper-gold Mineral Resources in Cyprus and progress towards generating cash flow.

Cyprus has a long history of copper production, with the emphasis focused on developing easily accessible high-grade copper mines. With production halting prematurely over 40 years ago, there is considerable scope for redevelopment of former mines and making of new discoveries. While copper has historically been the focus of production on the Island, the presence of gold provides further impetus to Caerus’ exploration.

Investors recognise copper as one of the Cornerstone metals for the Clean Energy Transition and that it is integral to the Electric Vehicle and Energy Storage sectors. Caerus will apply International Best Practice during exploration, maintaining high environmental standards whilst working closely with the communities in which it operates.

The more ambitious that climate targets become, the more minerals and metals will be needed for a sustainable low-carbon future. Clean Energy stimulus programmes with a spotlight on Electric Vehicles, 5G Networks and Renewable Power Generation will all require large quantities of copper.

“De-Risking Exploration – Caerus has acquired exploration licences all of which host former producing mines. The historic presence of mineralisation helps de-risk Projects by focusing on clearly prospective geology that has been receptive to mineralisation deposited in economic quantities, and has the potential for further new discoveries utilising improved exploration techniques and in-house expertise.”

© Provided by The Motley Fool falling asx share price represented by sad looking builder

The Mineral Resources Limited(ASX: MIN) share price is falling today despite news of a maiden production. This afternoon, the mining services company announced the first iron ore production from its Wonmunna Iron Ore Mine in Western Australia’s Pilbara region.

The Mineral Resources share price is currently trading for $37.41, down 4.2% from Friday’s close.

Let’s look further into the company’s announcement.

Wonmunna Iron Ore Mine

The announcement of the mine’s maiden production comes only five months after Mineral Resources began breaking ground at the site.

Mineral Resources stated it plans for the mine to produce its approved 5 million tonnes per year run rate by 2021’s June quarter.

The company purchased Wonmunna from the Australian Aboriginal Mining Corporation Limited (AAMC) in September. Today, Mineral Resources reiterated that AAMC shareholders will receive a royalty in respect of the first 40 million dry metric tonnes extracted from the mine, as was a term of the transaction.


Mineral Resources stated the iron produced at Wonmunna will be used to underpin the company’s Utah Point Hub iron ore blend. It is intended that the blend will include tonnes from a number of the company’s nearby iron mines.

Commentary from management

Mineral Resources managing director Chris Ellison said Wonmunna’s fast development meant the company “deliver[ed] what others thought to be impossible”. He went on to say:

It is the innovative design of our NextGen crushing plants and the agility of our people who make this happen.

Wonmunna’s development was completed on time and within budget. Once we ramp up Wonmunna to full production, the mine will provide permanent employment for 500 men and women.

This is a great outcome not just for MRL but also for AAMC’s shareholders, who will shortly receive their first royalty cheque from Wonmunna.

Mineral Resources share price snapshot

The Mineral Resources share price is currently down 2.76% year to date. However, if you bought Mineral Resources shares this time last year for $12.61, you’d be experiencing an incredible 196.67% return.

Mineral Resources has a market capitalisation of around $7.4 billion with approximately 188 million shares outstanding.

Where to invest $1,000 right now

When investing expert Scott Phillips has a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the flagship Motley Fool Share Advisor newsletter he has run for more than eight years has provided thousands of paying members with stock picks that have doubled, tripled or even more.*

Scott just revealed what he believes are the five best ASX stocks for investors to buy right now. These stocks are trading at dirt-cheap prices and Scott thinks they are great buys right now.


*Returns as of February 15th 2021

More reading

  • Triple whammy hammers the Fortescue (ASX:FMG) share price today
  • Broker tips 30% upside for Mineral Resources (ASX:MIN) share price

Motley Fool contributor Brooke Cooper has no position in any of the stocks mentioned.

The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Bruce Jackson.

Mineral Resources Share Price Asx


Mineral Resources Limited Share Price

The post Mineral Resources (ASX:MIN) share price falling despite good news appeared first on The Motley Fool Australia.